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Electrician mining

hestie tt

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Hi there

My husband is an electrician on the mine (gold) and is working underground. The agent have been looking for a job since August but not realy doing anything. I know there is a lot of jobs but we are looking for a sponsor, any ideas where I can send his CV????

Please help, hubby and kids are getting older ;)


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Hi there

My husband is an electrician on the mine (gold) and is working underground. The agent have been looking for a job since August but not realy doing anything. I know there is a lot of jobs but we are looking for a sponsor, any ideas where I can send his CV????

Please help, hubby and kids are getting older ;)


I suggest you try www.seek.com.au

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Thank you Gerhardoz

I saw a few with potent :ilikeit: ial

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  • 3 weeks later...


Ons is in Kalgoorlie, manlief werk vir Goldfields St Ives, ook 'n electrician. Ek dink hulle soek nog electricians. Hulle adverteer gewoonlik op seek.com.

Ons het een van ons vriende oorreed en aan beveel vir 'n werk hier en alles het goed verloop tot op die punt van 457 visa in die paspoort kry en die finale werks offer teken, toe teken hy nooit nie. St Ives het regtig uit hul pad gegaan om hom so gou moontlik hier te kry maar dit was nie goed genoeg vir hom nie. Nou hoop ek net nie dat hulle nou 'n gly in Suid Afrikaners gekry het deur hom nie. Maar probeer gerus jou man se CV aan hulle stuur, wie weet, miskien is julle gelukkig.

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