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FOR SALE - Camping gear and household goods MELBOURNE


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We are relocating, and have quite a few things avail. to sell:

3 x 3 chopper canvas tent

3 x brand new luxury stretchers

queen size blow up matress (double thickness for extra comfort)

single size blow up mattress (double thickness for extra comfort, could be separated into two single sized mattresses)

miscelaneous camping gear

Study desk (glass with shelving)

study chair (hi tech silver)

double bed (hardly used), very good quality

bar fridge (brand new, hardly used)

chest freezer (brand new, hardly used)

various other household furniture items and crockery/kitchen ware

Would be good for setting up house if you did not bring your furniture

Eastern suburbs, Melbourne.

Phone 0430-018-233 or 03-9812-8088

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Ai Sonneblom

Klink na die tipe goed wat ons gaan nodig hê!!! Ons wag nog in spanning vir ons 457 - ek moet die 2de Jan begin werk. Teen daardie tyd het jul seker al lankal getrek en die goed verkoop..... :ilikeit:

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Ja, selfde hier. Ons sou ook dalk baie van die goed by jou kon oorneem, maar ons land eers 25 Desember, en ek sien julle vertrek hier naby aan einde November.

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Hi Sonneblom

I am in Melbourne, in the eastern suburbs and am interested in the camping equipment.

What are you wanting for the camping things? Please PM me with the prices of the various things.



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Hi there,

Interested in the following:

Study desk (glass with shelving)

study chair (hi tech silver)

double bed (hardly used), very good quality

Pls could you PM me what you want for them!



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Hi Nats

Apologies for the late reply, I never had a notification email from Saaustralia site.

You can contact me on:

9812-8088 (h)


0430-018-233 Cellphone Rene

I only have the study desk left to sell, will be negotiable on this, around $75 would give you an indication.

If you are interested, is it possible to collect before Friday, as I am leaving Friday late afternoon, give me a call and we can discuss. We paid around $300 about 6 months ago for the desk.



Hi there,

Interested in the following:

Study desk (glass with shelving)

study chair (hi tech silver)

double bed (hardly used), very good quality

Pls could you PM me what you want for them!



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Ai Sonneblom, hoekom is jy nie in Brissie nie? Ek land die 26ste Desember en gaan nodig he presies wat jy verkoop.

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