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Rottweiler lover seeked

Ryk and Yo

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Hi there,

I know you are all going to OZ, or there already, but if you know someone who loves animals/dogs and especially Rottweilers please let me know as I have the most beautiful and loving female dog. She licks everyone who comes to visit us and has grown up with my kids thus she has a lovely personality. She is now 5 years old. Unfortunately as you might know the costs of taking her with is just too much, and I cannot bear the thought of putting her to sleep. So please think a bit and let me know if you might know of a loving new home for my Sheba!





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Hi there,

I know you are all going to OZ, or there already, but if you know someone who loves animals/dogs and especially Rottweilers please let me know as I have the most beautiful and loving female dog. She licks everyone who comes to visit us and has grown up with my kids thus she has a lovely personality. She is now 5 years old. Unfortunately as you might know the costs of taking her with is just too much, and I cannot bear the thought of putting her to sleep. So please think a bit and let me know if you might know of a loving new home for my Sheba!



Hi Ryk We advertised our Pluto (RottXBoerboel) in the Landbouweekblad. We had so much response - could not believe it.People even from Botswana and elsewhere wanted him. Just choose your words in the right way. I have still contact with the new owner and Pluto is just enjoying himself. Give him away for free and you'll see. Good luck. We know how it feels.

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Hi Ryk

I know a couple of Rotti lovers and will find out for you. They all live on small farms and holdings so space would not be a problem. I will let you know if I have a positive response.



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Thanx to you both Steph & Johanne, it will really help as I would like to get her a good home!

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Please send me your email address so I can forward it to people who might be interested! :ilikeit:

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