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Hi All!!

Let me start at the beginning: We landed 9 May in Canberra ACT (Me, Hubby and 3 kids). I started my job with my 457 sponsor and everything was dandy. To make a long story short: Rules for registration at the coucil for my husband's job changed, and he has to do a huge exam over 5 days, costing nearly $3000. Then we found out that he could work in other states without exams...So we decided on Perth for various reasons. My employer organised a transfer for me within minutes (they were great!). We redirected our container from Sydney to Perth, etc,etc,etc....Then we were off in our 4 year old secondhand car. We had a great trip until we reached a spot 80km from the nearest town (Norseman WA)...Something broke (It went klack-klack), and there we were in the darkest darkness with the most beautifull stars I've ever seen. Strangely I wasn't too worried: I knew God was going to help us - before we knew people were stopping to help>>they actually towed us to Norseman (80km's!!)

This is where my prayer request comes in: Please help us pray for a speedy and reliable and affordable repair of our car. We have never felt so lost and alone. I really try hard not to cry- my poor husband has enough worries as it is!

"Vader. U is so getrou!!!Ek prys U heilige naam!! Liefdevol, en VOL VERTROUE, plaas ek ALLES in U Vaderhand. Dankie dat U Wil geskied, en dat U Wil vir my die beste is!"

Groete vanuit Norseman WA


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Hey Karen

You guys will come right - I just know it.

You have already been so brave!

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Sterkte ek hoop alles kom gou reg!!

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Baie Baie Sterkte!

Oor 'n paar maande lag jul vir jul wedervaringe!!!! Onthou God is altyd getrou en jul is nooit alleen nie!!!!

Laat weet hoe dit afloop.


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Karen ons glo dat alles met 'n doel gebeur. Sien die positiewe daarin. Sterkte met jul nuwe lewe in Perth. Soos Bienkie se die Here is altyd getrou. Sal vanaand spesiaal vir jul bid. Laatweet ons hoe gaan dit in Perth!!! :ilikeit:

Pieter en Anmarie

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Best of luck......you are in safe hands

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Sterkte!! Soos Natalie gesê het: as een deur toegaan, gaan 'n ander een oop - my addition: 'n groter een, en beter! :whome: Bly julle net afhanklik van Hom wat julle dra. Kyk terug en jy sal net een ry voetspore sien - Syne, wat julle dra. :unsure:

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Hi There

Just have faith and trust in God, he will do what he must do for you, be like the mustard seed and have faith


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Don't worry it will all work out. God is faithful and He upholds His good name always!

If it makes you feel any better, I recently resigned from my job to freelance (pay not so good but flexibility) and guess what happened to me?

I was stationary at a robot and a 97 YEAR OLD MAN rammed me from behind, not once, not twice, but three times, maybe four I lost count. He has stuffed the back of our car R24 000 damages. he was in an old 1980 solid BMW and me in a more modern tin can toyota. Super hey!! Just consider the odds of being in front of a 97 YEAR OLD MAN when his foot slips off the brake and onto the accelerator.

It almost sounds funny but not for me of course as it caused me a loss of man hours with all the time spent on the phone, fortunately he is insured and was very apologetic. It happened two weeks ago and still waiting for them to approve the repairs.

However, I do believe everything happens for a reason and like you just had peace that I must not stress. Life is not easy but the Lord has promised to never leave us nor forsake us and to provide our daily bread. Sometimes we just forget to ask Him because we become so self or employer reliant.

God bless, hope everything is sorted out soon. Any news?

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"and there we were in the darkest darkness with the most beautifull stars I've ever seen"

Hi Karen,

In that one sentence of yours, the art of life is described.

I doesn't matter how bad things get or how many things go wrong, always try and find something,just one thing, positive.

And if you can't find anything positive, create something positive.

Sit your husband and kids down, look them in the eyes and tell them how much you love them.

There is not enough darkness in the world to cover the light made by one candle.

My daughters and i spend many a night on our favourite remote beach in Zululand, looking at the stars.

Laying on a duvet on the beach, appreciating God's creation.

Even though your car broke, it must have been wonderful for you guys, as a family, to experience such beauty.(and that amazing total silence)

I also share your husbands work experience.

Besides having my skills successfully recognised, i now have to do a 4 month course to obtain a license before i can work.

There are also currently new legislation being brought into the course material so we can't start the course untill this is completed. Just great.

But i do whatever odd job that comes around to keep busy in the mean time.

Your hubby will find something to do untill all is sorted out,just keep on looking.

Smiled at Celeste experience, in sympahty though.

While waiting for the garage to sort out the registration of the car we bought, they gave us a new car, with 200km on the clock, to drive around with.

We drove from the garage to Safeway, about 3km, bought a few things and as we walked out, we saw a group of people around the area where we parked.

I just got this feeling, got to the car and found that an elderly bloke drove into it with a "Battleship"( one of those long Holden stationwagons). :holy:

If your car is not sorted, pm me.

From the replies to your post, you can clearly see that you are not alone. You, Hubby and your kids are in the thoughts of quite a few of Saffers.

Kind regards


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Have been reading here but have not posted yet.

What an experience it must be to do that trip. I am jealous.

And yes if you can see the postive like that in a bad situation, well, you have nothing to worry about.

Good luck and please tell us more about that trip.....


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Hi Karen,

Ek dink aan julle, wat my so opgewonde maak oor almal se experience is dat 'n mens duidelik kan sien hoe God in ons lewens werk en hoe ons "oomblike" beleef waar ons sy grootheid kan ervaar. Of dit nou 'n gebreekte kar is of 'n koue vroeer oggend en 'n mens ervaar net iets, dit is gelooflik.

My post is bietjie laat en ek glo dat julle alweer oppad is, baie sterkte vir julle en mag God julle soveel blessings gee dat julle oor borrel daarvan.



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Hi Karen,

Dis so wonderlik om te weet daar is ook mense wat so aan God vasklou! Hier is vir julle so 'n gerusstellende Psalm 121:

I lift up my eyes to the hills—

where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,

the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—

he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel

will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you—

the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day,

nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—

he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going

both now and forevermore.

Ek bid dat Ons Hemelse Vader julle sal seen!



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Julle is in my gedagtes en gebede


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Karen hve you come right? Ar you safely in Perth or still in the little town? I trust God has blessed you abundantly and that you have reched your destination. God Bless. Susan

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