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Lady Roux: Roux Family

Lady Roux

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Hi everyone,

My husband and myself made the decision to start the process of going to Australia when we found out that I was pregnant with our first child. We are both in the IT field and hope to stay someday in Melbourne.

Our daughter is now 3 months old and I have just sent through our paperwork to the ACS for a skills assessment. I have just seen our status is "awaiting documents". This worries me as I have no idea what more the ACS could need.

I hoping that by reading this forum I won't be so nervous.

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Welcome to the forum. I already posted a comment on your post re ACS assessment. I just thought of something else. On the confirmation letter, they give their e-mail address for you to contact them if you have any queries. Why don't you e-mail them and ask which documents they are waiting for. I'm sure they can clear this up for you. They would also want to work on your application, so I'm sure they will be more than eager to give you the info, you are the only ones who can give it to them.

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Hi Lady Roux

We look forward to welcoming you to Melbourne - hopefully soon!

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Welcome Lady Roux

You'll definitely find all the help and support you need here.

everyone is in the same boat - and can share experiences, laughs, frustration, advice etc.

You came to the right place :ilikeit:

Lots of luck with the skills assessment


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Welcome Lady Roux.

I hope you have lots of fun whilst get all the info you need.



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