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Blinkers-Off: Bit of a late introduction


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Hi all

Just wanted to say hi. A bit of a late introduction I must confess!!!!

My fiancee and I are not really new to the forum as I have been reading it for almost a year now.

We did our LSD to Perth and Sydney in April and have finally made up our minds...

Perth.... Here we come!!

Started applying for jobs a month ago. (very long month of watching the email inbox)

and the first offer has been promised. So we are expecting it in the inbox on monday morning.

(Gonna be another long weekend of waiting.)

Anyway, now that its finally real for us :o

we thought we better introduce ourselves...



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Well hello there Blinkers Off

Hmmm - now that you've joined the forum and no longer have 'lurker' status - welcome to the forum!! :o

What do you do? Where is the job offer etc etc????


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Oh...& welcome to the forum!!!!!

All the best with the process and we will hopefully catch up with you and your fiancee in PERTH!!!! :o:ilikeit:

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Thanks for the welcome

I am an Engineer with a possible offer in Perth and one in Bunbury.

Waiting to see which will suit us best.

What is the general concensus on Bunbury???

I know where and what it is. Been checking up on the web.

...but just wanted to know if anyone had any strong feelings on it either way...

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I was bunbury last week. VERY very nice place. Ask Nilo (from the forum) - her son lives there

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See you in Perth, we will probably head over later in the year...

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