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houghd: Still thinking


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Hi There,

My name is Desire, we actully live in Namibia, Windhoek. We are still in the process of deciding whether to go or not.

Quite a big decision. I would love to here your reasons for wanting to make the move. Our's will mainly be to give our son a better future.

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hi and welcome

Ja - check out that thread that Andre posted.. it's a poll on why we wanna leave. That'll answer it for you!


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Hi Desire

You are on the right track, asking questions.

When I met my future employers in South Africa, I told them that I am not sure if I want to make the move. I want to have a looksy first. The one guy answered "mate,if you visit Australia you will definitely move!". I thought he was a bit arrogant but apologized when I met him in Brisbane. My mind was made up very quickly.

If you guys can afford it, do the LSD thing (see the LSD posts, plenty of info incl. cost). If not, don't worry it is awesome! and you can quote me on that.

All the best

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