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"Die besluit is geneem"


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My wife and I have finally taken the decision to move to Australia

I understand the process is going to be a huge challenge due to my age. I am a 52 year old B Com (Acc) with lots of experience in management accounting and financial management in a manufacturing environment.

My daughter (qualified CA) and my son-in-law (registered as Phoenix on this forum) have also started their process. It seems like their process is going to be much easier.

The plan is to preferably settle in Melbourne as we have friends there.

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Baie geluk met julle besluit en sterkte met dien paadjie wat julle nog moet loop!!

Onthou wat ek vir julle gese het ....as daar enige iets is - vra. Daar is niks wat die forumiete nie weet nie!!!



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Howzit Ossie,

Welkom op die forum. Jy's in vir 'n laaanngg proses. Vasbyt en vra alles en nog wat en sommer nog 'n paar vrae by. Hier's rêrig baie slim mense op die forum.

Ons is ook oppad Melbourne toe maar heel waarskynlik eers volgende jaar hierdie tyd. :ilikeit:

PS: Hello JayJay! :) Float jy lekker rond tot die 11de?

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Sterkte met die hele proses, ek is seker al jou vrae sal op die forum beantwoord kan word.

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Hi Oosie

I can only confirm what the others said......this is a great site to get info. I'm also from the same back ground and have started the process two months ago.

Good luck and if I can give you a tip ....write down the reasons why you want to go as it will help a lot on this roller coaster ride :ilikeit:

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Hi Oosie

Sheesh, somebody closer to my age, yippee. Welcome and may you have a smooth path to Melbourne!

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