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Things to do before you go ...


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Afrikaans laer af!

I am sharing this from my own experience and these are things I did before I left South Africa (and some, I wish I had.....)

Make an inventory of everything in your house (with values) that's going with you to Aus. Take this with you on the plane. (You can even take photographs of the contents of each room before they start packing - open your cupboard doors and photograph your clothes, CD's, DVD's etc)

Change address to a reliable friend or family member 2 months before you go (so you can see which companies did not make the change, and you have enough time to sort it out before you go) Do this in writing and keep proof: Telephone, Internet, DSTV & Mweb, City Council, "Armed Response", Short Term Insurance, Life Insurance, Bank (all accounts - some bank's you have to change it for each account!), Medical Insurance, Shopping Cards, Memberships, Doctors, Specialists etc.

Cancel all memberships, debit orders etc that won't continue. Do it in writing and keep proof. (Believe me, keep proof - you'll need it!)

Get all you kids' immunizations up to date & have it recorded on their immunization cards. (To attend school here, it has to be up to date).

Update your address book with every person or place you would need to contact once you are here - also Email addresses - and take it with you on the plane. This is your only "link" to everyone "back home" and you would want to be able to stay in contact. Also if you need to phone your insurance company etc. you must have their details at hand.

Get a letter of membership & involvement from your church. Advise them that you are leaving.

Get a reference letter for your family if you were involved in volunteer work. Volunteering is big in Aus and if you were involved in volunteering, it goes a long way - also, when you want to get involved again here in Aus, you will need references.

Back-up everything on your computer (photos, documents, inbox, sent items etc) and take the CD's with you on the plane.

Get a reference letter & client code from your bank.

Get a reference letter from your short term insurance detailing your no claim bonus etc.

Make copies of ALL important documents (passports, visas, birth certificates etc) and leave it with a reliable friend or family member. Even better yet, have it scanned and leave a copy of the disk - take the other one on the plane with you.

Update your will and leave a copy with a reliable friend/family member.

Give a reliable person power of attorney to attend to your business on your behalf. Make sure they have details of all your bank accounts, policy numbers, contact persons etc. As well as copies of all important documents.

Sign a fax indemnity with your bank. This allows you to give faxed instructions for transactions etc.

If you don't' already have internet banking, get it set up & test it.

Get transfer cards from your kids' schools and their latest report cards or a progress report.

Get reference letters from your kids' activities e.g. ballet report, etc - this will assist in placing them in the right group when they take it up here. If your child performed in anything, get proof. You WILL need it!

Take the whole family for a medical check-up, have their eyes tested, go to the dentist, get that filling etc. Dental & optometry is very expensive.

Get the contents of your medical files from all your doctors & specialists. Saves you from going through the whole process again - they don't take your word for it! If you have a special condition, let the doctor write a letter. If you have contacts or glasses, get your script.

Get scripts for all medication your family is currently using - especially chronic. You can bring 3 month's prescription medication if you have a written script. Take it on the plane with you in case your container is delayed etc. (Also bring some general medication that your family use regularly if it is anything stronger than panado or if it is something specific such as anetheine cream, myprodol, etc).

Leave your flight details, first accommodation details etc with a family member/friend. Also leave the details of your next of kin with this person. Write this person's contact details in the back of your passport.

Service your washing machine & dryer if they haven't had one in the last 12 months.

Pay your UIF & de-register. Give your employees their UIF documents as well as a letter that they no longer work for you. (UIF does not only accept the UIF document - they also require a letter that they no longer work for you). Keep proof of all of this.

Give your employees reference letters and assist them in finding work elsewhere. (Advertise with you school, church, neighbors etc that they will be available from a specific date etc). Pay them their last salary, notice pay, leave & pro rata bonuses. Keep proof.

Write cards/letters to everyone who meant something to your family during this whole process or in your life in general. Mail it the day before you leave.

Make a list of handy or important Australia web addresses & contact details and take it with you on the plane.

Take a few favorite South African CD's on the plane with you - it helps a lot when you miss everyone at home.

If you haven't yet sold your house, but are planning to do so, get an electricity certificate before you leave. Give it to your agent or the person who will be handling the sale of your property. Keep a copy.

Take photographs of everyone and everything, your friends, family, the neighbors, your pets, the kid's friends (give your digital to your kids to take to school for a day). Take photographs of your house, neighborhood, church, school, street.... This is all you will have of your life in South Africa. It may not seem important now, but when your kid's or grandchildren one day, want to know what life was like, you'll have more than enough visual memories to share.

List the serial numbers of all valuable items in your house (TV, PC etc). Take it with you on the plane.

Have a farewell party at least 3 weeks before you leave. Less tears & emotion than having the goodbye's at the airport!!

Arrange your transport to the airport.

Keep the keys for everything that is locked inside your container with you - customs will request it.

Keep all receipts for your relocation costs (medicals, etc). You can claim it from your tax.

Buy birthday cards for everyone whose birthday is in the first 3 months. Give it to someone to mail on your behalf closer to the dates.

Make sure your passport is not in the container!!!

Good luck!!

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Ek het gedink om paar goed uit my eie ervaring met almal te deel wat nog die groot stap aanpak. Hierdie is dinge wat ek gedoen het voor ek gegaan het, en waaroor ek baie bly was later, en ook goed wat ek NIE gedoen het nie, en later oor spyt was. Hoop dit help en gee bietjie rigting wanneer daar soveel goed is wat deur mens se gedagtes gaan:

Stel 'n inventaris op (met waardes) van alles in jou huis wat saamgaan - vat dit saam in jou bagasie

Verander adres na 'n betroubare vriend in RSA (Doen dit op skrif en hou bewyse) by: telefoon, selfoon, stadsraad, "armed response", DSTV, M-net, Korttermynversekering, Lewensversekering, Bank, Mediese Versekering, Kredietkaarte, Winkelkaarte, Internet, Lidmaatskappe, SARS, Dokters, Spesialiste ens.

Kanselleer alle lidmaatskap/debietorders waar van toepassing vir selfoonkontrakte, telefoon, Elektrisiteit & water (neem 'n lesing op jou laaste dag vir toekomstige geskille), korttermynversekering, polisse, "armed response", DSTV, M-net, Internet ens. (Doen dit op skrif en hou bewyse)

Sorg dat jou kinders se inentings op datum is. As hulle immuniseringskaarte weg is, gaan sien die kliniek/dokter en kry bewyse. - dit is 'n vereiste vir skool hier.

Datteer jou adresboek op van almal en alles wat jy nodig sal hê om te kontak - asook epos adresse (baie belanrgik vir kontak aan die begin, vat dit saam op die vliegtuig)

Kry bewys van lidmaatskap by jou kerk & stel hulle in kennis van jou vertrek na "iewers" in Aus.

Kry 'n getuigskrif van die gesin by jou predikant - nodig vir vrywilligerswerk en die aussies het baie agting vir mense wat by vrywilligerswerk betrokke is.

Kry getuigskrifte by welsynsorganisasies waar jy betrokke was - alles in Engels

"Back-up" jou rekenaar se belangrike goed (my documents, email inbox & sent items, foto's ens) op CD's en vat saam op die vliegtuig

Kry 'n verwysingsbrief (in Engels) by jou bank. Hulle gee jou 'n bevestiging van hoe lank jy by hulle 'n kliënt is, hoe jy jou rekening hanteer het en gee jou 'n "rating"

Kry 'n brief van jou korttermyn versekering (in Engels) van hoe lank jy die versekering het, jou geen-eis tydperk & bonusse ens.

Maak afskrifte van alle belangrike dokumente (paspoorte, Visas, testament ens), waarmerk dit en gee een afskrif van alles vir 'n betroubare vriend - die ander afskrif vat jy saam in jou handbagasie

Kry jou testament in orde. Sorg dat iemand weet waar dit is.

Gee vir 'n betroubare vriend volmag om jou sake namens jou te hanteer en sorg dat hy/sy besonderhede van al jou sake het bv: bankrekening nommers, polisnommers ens. Asook afskrifte van alle belangrike dokumente.

Teken 'n faks volmag by jou bank.

As jy nog nie jou banksake op internet het nie, kry dit opgestel en toets dat alles werk.

Kry 'n oorplasings sertifikaat en vorderingsverslag (in Engels) vir jou kinders by hulle onderskeie skole.

Kry die inhoud van jou mediese lêers by al jou dokters: ginekoloog, pediater, huisdokter, spesialiste ens.

As jy 'n bril of kontaklense dra, kry jou voorskrif by jou oogkundige (sterkte ens. van jou lense).

As jy enige medikasie op 'n gereelde basis gebruik, kry 'n papiervoorskrif en 3 maande se voorraad by jou onderskeie dokters - vat dit saam op die vliegtuig. Kry ook algemene medikasie wat gereeld gebruik word vir ten minste 3 maande, selfs al is dit nie voorskrif medikasie nie

Los besonderhede van jou vlug en jou eerste adres in Australië by 'n betroubare persoon. Los jou kontakbesonderhede van jou naaste familie by hierdie persoon. Skryf hierdie persoon se kontakbesonderhede in jou paspoort.

Diens jou wasmasjien & tuimeldroër as dit lanklaas gedoen was

Betaal UIF vir jou werknemers op datum en deregistreer as werkgewer by UIF. Gee vir jou werknemers hulle UIF bewyse en 'n brief waarin jy bevestig dat hulle nie meer vir jou werk nie. Gee vir hulle diensbriewe en verwysings.

Skryf briefies vir almal wat vir jou iets beteken het in die "groot trek" proses of in jou lewe oor die algemeen, en pos dit die dag wat jy vertrek.

Maak 'n lys van handige webadresse oor Australië en vat dit saam in jou bagasie

Pak 'n paar gunsteling Afrikaans CD's (of Suid Afrikaanse CD's) in jou bagasie vir wanneer die heimwee oorneem. Dit voel soos 'n ewigheid voor jou "container" met al jou goeters opdaag!

As jou huis nog nie verkoop is nie, maar in die mark, kry voor die tyd reeds 'n elektrisiteit sertifikaat. Gee dit vir die agent wat jouhuis namens jou verkoop of vir die persoon wat jou sake hanteer en hou 'n afskrif.

Neem foto's van almal - ook sommer van jou huis, kar, die honde en katte, die buurt, die kinders se skool, die kinders se maats, onderwysers, ens. Dit is al wat jy gaan hê van jou lewe in RSA.

Maak 'n lys van alle "serial numbers" van jou TV's, rekenaar ens.

Gaan almal tandarts, oogarts en dokter toe vir 'n goeie "check-up".

Rëel jou vervoer lughawe toe.

Kry briewe/verslae waar jou kinders buitemuurse aktiwiteite het - in Engels.

Maak seker jy pak nie jou paspoort in die "container" nie!!

Hou sleutels van alles wat kan toesluit iewers waar jy sal onthou. "Customs" in Aus vra daarvoor.

Hou alle fakture en strokies vir "relocation" kostes - jy kan daarvan terugeis van belasting

Koop verjaardagkaartjies vir almal wat in die volgende 3 maande verjaar. Gee dit vir iemand om te pos nader aan die datums.

Hoop dit is van waarde! Sterkte met die "groot trek"! Dit klink erger as wat dit is!

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  • 3 months later...

Hallo Riekie

Baie dankie vir al jou goeie inligting

My naam is Berndt de Bruyn (my vrou is Marina) - ons bly huidiglik in Durbanville (Kaapstad)

Ons is op die punt om Brisbane toe te gaan.

Ek sien in jou raad het jy geskryf van lewens versekering etc.

Ek het 'n Liberty Life Uittree Annuiteit, 'n lewens polis en nog 'n voorsorg fonds van my vorige werk se pensioen.


1.Wat het julle gedoen met hierdie kontraktuele spaar polisse toe julle Oz toe gegaan het ?

2. Daar is belasting betrokke in SA - kon julle enige van die polisse oordra na Oz toe - soos bv. die uittree annuiteit ?

3. Ken jy enige betroubare belegging/belasting kundige in Oz vir wie 'n mens die dinge kan vra ?

Laat weet my asseblief

Baie dankie


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  • 1 month later...

Before the removals arrive to do your packing, I suggest you go through your home and move to one side the most necessary items that you have to have access to the minute the container arrives and for at least the first six months. Ensure that these items are packed in boxes together and mark the boxes in some way, perhaps a red cross on one side, or something. You see, the chances are you will be renting for the first six to twelves months. The last thing you want to do is to unpack every single box and then have to repack it all to move in six months. I just unpacked the marked boxes, "camped" out, so to speak, until we bought a home and were settled. Only then did I get stuck in and unpack everything. In the meantime we just packed them up in the garage and left them there.

I knew I would not need everything I had in my kitchen, so into a couple of boxes went a set of necessary pots, cutlery, crockery, kettle, toaster, mixer, cutting boards, dish cloths, placemats and tablecloth.

I would only need two sets of linen for each bed, they all went into one box together with two towels for each person, also included were two sets of bath mats for each bathroom and toilet. A duvet and two duvet covers for each bed, together with the pillows for said bed were packed together.

My husband packed a box of his most necessary hand tools, so that he could do any necessary small tasks on home and vehicles.

We were due to arrive at the start of summer, so summer clothes all together in boxes and winter clothes in separate boxes. I did ensure that there were a few warm things for each one in the summer boxes, just in case.

This was the greatest favour we could have done ourselves, we have now moved a couple of times, and we have done it each time, it is amazing how much time and effort you save yourself.

We also did our own packing of our boxes. We had a very comprehensive index, numbered each box all four sides and then I keyed this info into an excel spreadsheet, this way we could do a search, and it was easy to find things.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

I have an insurance broker that has been providing advice to me for more 8 years with many South African clients he advice the following:

Do not cancel any policies when you leave the country. Keep them going until you are sure that you are planning to stay. If you go back you may not be able to get the same cover that ou had before. If you get the same cover it will be a lot more xpensive because you are older.

Enter a colosule in your will saying that this will only apply in RSA this is for tax perposes and laws.

Ins Aus you get anither will that is valid for everything outside the RSA and mention that you have another will in RSA.

Speak to a estate advisor and after you have new policies inplace you may decide to stop or continue with your policies.

Good luck


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  • 1 month later...
I have an insurance broker that has been providing advice to me for more 8 years with many South African clients he advice the following:

Do not cancel any policies when you leave the country. Keep them going until you are sure that you are planning to stay. If you go back you may not be able to get the same cover that ou had before. If you get the same cover it will be a lot more xpensive because you are older.

Enter a colosule in your will saying that this will only apply in RSA this is for tax perposes and laws.

Ins Aus you get anither will that is valid for everything outside the RSA and mention that you have another will in RSA.

Speak to a estate advisor and after you have new policies inplace you may decide to stop or continue with your policies.

Good luck


Hi Karl

I hear what you broker says but do not totally agree with him.

Firstly by keeping policies going back in SA one is keeping a "back door "open "in case" things do not work out.

I am moving over with my family in Jan 2008 and we will be making all our policies paid up.

It's all about your attitude and mindset and if one says one will make it in Aussie one will - if one keeps"back doors"open and thinks that way one makes it easier to return.

All of my friends who have gone over have made their policies paid up

also - we do not see the need to run 2 portfolio's in SA and Aussie.

I do not want to criticize your broker as you trust him but brokers earn good commission based on your portfolio and by you cancelling and getting your policies paid up will mean they loose out on this.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Uitstekende stukkie inligting - baie dankie! Hierdie forum kook en ek leer elke keer wat ek aan log 'n bietjie meer.

Een vraag oor die medies klarings wat ons moet kry voor die tyd, is dit 'n general check-up of is dit 'n spesifieke reeks van toetse wat ons as 'n gesin moet ondergaan?

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Riekie is refering to medical things you may want to have sorted out before you go over as certian things (eg: dentistry, optometrists, et) are extremely costly in Aus.

You will need to do full medicals by a GP on the pannel for immigration to Australia, but wait until requested to do this by the Case Office appointed to assess your application.

You can fin a doctor in your area here:


For the three of us (my daughter is 7) it's going to cost us in the region of R3500.

hope this answers your question. Sorry I posted in english but my afrikaans is a bietjie swak!


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Aramat is reg - ek verwys na jou eie mediese sake in 2 opsigte:

Eerstens, kry almal van kop tot tone en agter die ore onderdersoek en gedokter as jy 'n goeie mediese fonds het wat daarvoor betaal. Veral oogtoetse (bril, kontaklense, ens) , tande (stopsels, draatjies, en al daai duur goed). Die publieke mediese stelsel in Aus betaal nie vir al hiedie dinge nie, en selfs al het jy "privaat" medies, betaal hulle ook vir baie daarvan nie - of net 'n gedeelte. Maak nie saak hoe jy daarna kyk nie, jy hoes vir mediese uitgawes! So wat jy ookal gedoen kan kry in RSA, doen dit!

Tweedens, kry jou mediese rekords by al jou dokters anders moet jy hier weer deur die hele proses gaan vir mediese kondisies wat jy reeds het. (Verslag vd dokter oor jou kondisie, x-strale, bloedtoets en ander uitlsae ens) Dan kan die dokters hier jou net van daai punt af verder behandel, gebasseer op jou mediese rekords.

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riekie, jy verwys daarna om alles "relocation" strokies vir belasting te hou. Dis nou vir die SA belasting as ek dit nie mis het nie. Kan jy dalk daarop uitbrei?

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  • 3 months later...

Very informative. This website is proving to be extremely usefull.

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Hi Riekie,

Just when I thought I had my list of "to-do's" all sorted out.

Thanks for the great advice!


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  • 3 months later...

some other things you need to do if you are taking pets with. I posted this in another forum as well.

You need to bring a letter from your vet stating that your pets have been neutered (if they have) as you need to register your pets with the council and it is cheaper if they have been fixed.

I also read in a leaflet handed out by a migration agent that it is advisable to bring 6 months of utility bills with you from SA. Dont know why...maybe it proves you pay on time????

My handluggage bag is out, as I remember important things to bring I put them into the bag immediately.

Pack in your handluggage a copy of your CV and any hardcopy references you have from employers.

I emailed to a gmail account I opened all electronic copies of my Oz application and replies, as well as other important info.

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*New to this excellent forum*

Due to the cost of items e.g. clothing in OZ we are 'buying ahead' on certain items. There are a number of "after-Xmas sales" and "End-of-range sales" ;) , never mind the end-of-season sales that will start.

We have 2 small daughters and are now buying all the basic clothing for the next year (summer and winter) as the specials come up. Doing a bit every month does not break the bank, but will help to have a softer landing in OZ with all the other expenses.

E.g. on Saturday a sport shop had beautiful tennis shirts marked down to R10 to make space on the floor.

Just calculate what age your kids will be next summer & winter and buy for that age.

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*New to this excellent forum*

Due to the cost of items e.g. clothing in OZ we are 'buying ahead' on certain items. There are a number of "after-Xmas sales" and "End-of-range sales" :ilikeit: , never mind the end-of-season sales that will start.

We have 2 small daughters and are now buying all the basic clothing for the next year (summer and winter) as the specials come up. Doing a bit every month does not break the bank, but will help to have a softer landing in OZ with all the other expenses.

E.g. on Saturday a sport shop had beautiful tennis shirts marked down to R10 to make space on the floor.

Just calculate what age your kids will be next summer & winter and buy for that age.

Good idea. Thankx :ilikeit:

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Hi Riekie

This is my very first time replying on this forum (More daunting than immigration itself...)

We (Hubby and Myself) still Stranded here in the very rainy SA. Started the "Long walk to freedom" last month. (Wow what a challenging process!)

Please could I ask you, for some more detail in regards to your brilliant advice?

Regarding the Volunteer work, why would one need reference letters and why is it such a biggi in Aussie?

Thanks Stranded

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One thing I would do over is weigh my luggage on a decent scale. We used our bathroom scale and were so overweight we had to pay about R4000 extra. Oops.

I would also make contact with a specific person at my bank (in SA) and get their e-mail address. It has been quite difficult finding out from here who to speak to at which branch for certain transactions and waiting in the phone queue from Australia is expensive.

Bring as much stuff as you can, if you are bringing a container fill it up.


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Regarding the Volunteer work, why would one need reference letters and why is it such a biggi in Aussie?

Welcome to the forum! :rolleyes:

Why bring the letters?

*If you and 5 other people are bidding for a property to rent, they check out character references etc - if you have a written confirmation of volunteer work you did, that would certainly help your application.

*If you want to get involved in volunteer work here, it would support your application. Not all volunteer work is walk-in, many you have to apply (and be interviewed!) for.

*If you apply for employment, it is quite common to list your volunteer experience and it would look good on any application. (It just gives you that little bit of an edge when it's between you & someone else in an equal position).

Why is it such a biggie?

The Aussies are a caring, giving nation. The give their time, their money, and their hearts to people in need. A family is in dire straits due to a personal tragedy, and everyone jumps in to help (some ppl even donate houses to ppl who need it!!) Most families are involved in some sort of volunteer work - it is part of their upbringing and a way to give back to the community. Mothers help out at school canteens. Housewives help out at church with admin, daycare, playgroups, providing refreshments at church events etc. Fathers coach rugby/cricket etc. Volunteers bathe patients in hospital or old age homes, clean up after surgery, entertain kids in cancer wards, do home visits to families who need it, take aged people shopping and disabled people on outings. They act as ushers & parking attendants at events, collect/donate for numerous programmes in Africa and other 3rd world countries. Our SES services depend on volunteers and are the backbone of any crisis. In times of natural disasters, volunteers provide places of safety, food, and basic necessities. The list is endless. They can simply not turn their backs on the needy/unfortunate/desperate - not only in Australia, but in the world. That's the Aussie way. :ilikeit:

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Hi Riekie

Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the advice. I am currently a volunteer in SA for a brilliant organisation called Soap Kids. It involves teaching orphans life skills, I would hate to ask for a refrence letter if not really important. It seems like the wrong thing asking for a letter.. Don't know if it makes sense.. I am doing it out of love and enjoyment and not for any other reason.

Thank you for your advice, I love looking for Posts with your reply's on as they always come with such care. Thank you for being there for us "Stranded" one's!


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When you cancel your tv license send them a letter from the removal company stating they are moving you. The TV license people asked me for a copy of my ticket and passport which I didn't send. I sent instead a covering letter and a letter from the removal company.

They will be asking you to take a lie detector test next. :whome:

DSTV charge you for the full month even if you have requested to be disconnected at the beginning of the month. You have to phone them and ask for a refund. Damn cheek if you ask me.

I was only allowed to cancel my house contents insurance on the day I moved and not before. Suggest you write down to do this as I nearly forgot to do it due to the stress of the move.

When you cancel your armed response, don't forget to make a date for them to come to remove the transmitter as this is still their property.

All these things to remember. I nearly went nuts!!!!!

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Ons is in die proses om oor te gaan na Australie (van SA af) Ek kan nie help om vrek bang te wees nie, ons is oortuig dat dit is wat ons wil doen en gaan voluit daarvoor gaan, maar dit is net menslik om so bang te wees en onseker te voel. Ons is 'n gesin van 4 ek 29 my man 30 en twee kiddies van 5 en 7. Is daar dalk van julle wat al deur hierdie proses is en vir my lekker raad kan gee. Ek worstel met vrae in my kop soos : Moet ek als hier verkoop en dan weer van vooraf bymekaar maak daar ander kant, gaan mens dit kan bekostig? Hoeveel duurder is die lewens koste daar in vergelyking met SA? Wat is die gemidelde salaris wat nodig is om 'n gemaklike bestaan te maak vir 'n gesin van 4. In SA gebruik ons tans 'n gemiddeld van R3000 pm op kruideniers wat is die gemideld daar? Sal ons elektriese goed bv. playstation, wasmasien, yskas, vibration machine, mikrogolf etc daar werk, is hulle volts die selfde as ons sin etc. Is ons ooit aanvaarbaar vir die Ausies, hou hulle ooit van ons, gaan ons nie soos indringers voel in hulle omgewing nie. Wat van kerke en Christenskap? Ons werk deur 'n agentskap genaamd OZXCHANGE, en ek kan ook al my vrae aan hulle rig, maar ek sal baie rustiger voel as ek dit ook vanuit mense wat direk van SA kom se meings kan kry. En laastens hoe los jy jou ouers van 65 agter hier in SA??? Ai dit gaan seker maar baie moeilik vir ons almal wees, veral vir die kinders wat gewoond is om elke vakansie plaas toe te gaan en dan bederf oupa en ouma dat dit by hulle ore uitloop.

Baie dankie vir die wat tyd sal afstaan en van my vrae sal antwoord.


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